For more info call 844 777 0489
or drop by SpinaliS Vancouver store on
3619 West 4th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6R 1P2

Loughborough University and the University of Leicester have found incredibly strong evidence linking excessive sitting to poor health: compared to people who sit the least, those who spend most time in a chair have a 112 per cent higher risk of developing diabetes, a 147 per cent higher risk of suffering "cardiovascular events" such as strokes and a 49 per cent increased risk of death from any cause.
Sadly, many chairs, even "ergonomic" ones, are designed such that your pelvis tilts backwards and throws your back into the backrest. Chairs that naturally tilt backwards further exacerbate this tendency. Granted, these chairs feel comfortable because they naturally force you to depend upon the support of the backrest, and that is relaxing. But such dependence upon support will lead to atrophy and deeper dependence.
You want a chair that naturally holds your pelvis in a neutral upright position and makes it easy to hold your spine up. This will make it easier to sit up without continual use of the backrest, enabling your back to stay active and strong. In fact, a backrest should be exactly what its name implies – a tool used to rest your back when it is tired, not something that you use continually the entire time you are sitting.
FREE Shipping Anywhere in Canada
Alberta AB, British Columbia BC, Manitoba MN, New Brunswick NB, Newfoundland and Labrador NL, Northwest Territories NT, Nova Scotia NS, Nunavut NU, Ontario ON, Prince Edward Island PEI, Quebec QC, Saskatchewan SK, Yukon YT (Alberta, Colombie-Britannique, Nouveau-Brunswick, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Nouvelle-Écosse, Nunavut, Ontario, Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Québec, Saskatchewan, Yukon)
Class I Medical Device
Health Canada has certified SpinaliS chairs as a Class I Medical Device to prevent spinal problems and treat existing ones.
Abs and Back Workout
Work out while sitting on any of the SpinaliS chairs and performing your daily tasks at the office or home.
Back Pain Relief
SpinaliS Chairs will work out your core muscles for you. Just sit, do your thing and leave everything else up to SpinaliS. STRONG CORE MUSCLES = NO BACK PAIN
Stylish Office Chairs
Design of the SpinaliS Chairs is an eye candy – your customers will definitely notice them!
Yoga Ball Alternative
It is recommended not to sit longer than 2 hours on a yoga ball, but on the SpinaliS chairs you can sit all day long.
Standing Desk Alternative
SpinaliS chairs will actually make your body to work out and get you into a great shape without the hard task of standing or exercising.
Who does use SpinaliS?
Google, Dubai Airport, SONY, IBM, DELL, Skoda Auto, CSOB Bank, Unicredit Bank, Vodafone and many more.
SpinaliS Canada
ph: 778 989 0637
Unique Chairs for Healthy Back and Great Posture - FREE SHIPPING in Canada
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