Here is what we have in stock:
With arrival of the new generation of SpinaliS Chairs in Canada we managed to close the gap between your daily active lifestyle and backbreaking health wrecking sitting at your office. Now you can STAY ACTIVE all day long with SpinaliS Chairs!!!

Active sitting occurs when seating allows or encourages the seated occupant to move. Also referred to as dynamic sitting, the concept is that flexibility and movement while sitting can be beneficial to the human body and make some seated tasks easier to perform. One of the earliest forms of active sitting is the common rocking chair which allows forward and backward swaying motion.
Every SpinaliS chair we sell
- Induces active sitting without actually working out or intentionally moving your body on the seat
- Strengthens your core muscles including back and abs
- Makes your office look modern and healthy
- Closes the gap between you being active in the morning and afternoon. Now you can stay active ALL DAY LONG

Boxing Day is a secular holiday that is traditionally celebrated on 26 December, the day after Christmas, or the following day should the 26th be a Sunday. 26 December is also St. Stephen's Day, a religious holiday. When 26 December falls on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday), the Boxing Day public holiday is moved to the following day (27 December). In CANADA, Boxing Day is a bank holiday. On the occasion when Christmas Day is on a Saturday, the following Monday is Boxing Day and Tuesday the substitute bank holiday for Christmas Day.
Class I Medical Device
Health Canada has certified SpinaliS chairs as a Class I Medical Device to prevent spinal problems and treat existing ones.
Abs and Back Workout
Work out while sitting on any of the SpinaliS chairs and performing your daily tasks at the office or home.
Back Pain Relief
SpinaliS Chairs will work out your core muscles for you. Just sit, do your thing and leave everything else up to SpinaliS. STRONG CORE MUSCLES = NO BACK PAIN
Stylish Office Chairs
Design of the SpinaliS Chairs is an eye candy - your customers will definitely notice them!
Yoga Ball Alternative
It is recommended not to sit longer than 2 hours on a yoga ball, but on the SpinaliS chairs you can sit all day long.
Standing Desk Alternative
SpinaliS chairs will actually make your body to work out and get you into a great shape without the hard task of standing or exercising.
Who does use SpinaliS?
Google, Dubai Airport, SONY, IBM, DELL, Skoda Auto, CSOB Bank, Unicredit Bank, Vodafone and many more.
SpinaliS Canada
ph: 778 989 0637
Unique Chairs for Healthy Back and Great Posture - FREE SHIPPING in Canada
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